15. Prunus x yedoensis "Akebono", Flowering Cherry


Prunus x yedoensis "Akebono", Flowering Cherry Blossom

Flowering cherry, elliptical leaf in opposite arrangement



15. Flowering Cherry, Prunus x yedoensis ‘Akebono’

Artist’s Note:

A member of the rose family and native to Japan, flowering cherry’s beauty is celebrated worldwide. Often planted in public spaces in immense numbers, they create stunning displays. At the Tidal Basin in Washington D.C. the annual mass bloom attracts thousands of visitors. This year, in the spring of 2021, warm weather forced flowering earlier than ever. This cycle change in 2021 has also been noted in Japan with the earliest bloom in 70 years. Many scientists say this points to global climate change.

The flower form has many varieties of singles and doubles in pink and white along with both upright and weeping forms of the tree. Double-grafted varieties exist with multi-flower forms and colors on the same small charming tree that is a wonderful choice for a single specimen in a home garden. 


Vulgo: Flowering Cherry


Name: Prunus x yedoensis ‘Akebono’


Family: Rosaceae

Habit: Tree

Height: 39 ft (12 M)

Native to: Japan


Leaf shape: Simple 


Shape: Elliptical


Tip: Acuminate - long


Margin: Serrate


Venation: Pinnate


Surface: Smooth


Size: 2–4 in (5–10 cm) 


Arrangement: Alternate

Pen and ink: Amber R Turner ©2020




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