1. Acer Palmatum, Japanese Maple


Acer palmatum, Japanese Maple, early spring and mid summer with leaves and samaras

Palmate leaf with samara


1. Japanese Maple, Acer palmatum


Artist’s Note:


In early spring this small deciduous tree is covered with emerging leaves, tiny male pollen flowers and winged samaras. Its palmate leaves with five lobes resemble an open hand. Spring foliage is a lovely deep yellow-green that is tinged red from anthocyanidins. Native to China and Japan, spectacular fall color is a predominant feature of this species. During winter, the smooth gray bark outlines its complex form.  Look for several trees planted in the northwest corner of the garden along Tupper Street and Santa Rosa Avenue.

Vulgo: Japanese Maple


Name: Acer palmatum


Family: Sapindaceae

Habit: Tree

Height: 16–80 ft (5–25 M)

Native to: China


Leaf type: Single, lobed


Shape: Palmate with 5 to 7 lobes


Tip: Acuminate


Margin: Serrate


Venation: Palmate


Surface: Smooth


Size: 2–4 in (5–10 cm)


Arrangement: Opposite

Pen and ink: Amber R Turner © 2020



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